Drying Soap Tray

One-of-a-kind soap tray with all essential features

All soap trays existing on the market today do NOT meet at least one or more of the following characteristics that a soap tray must offer:

An extensive search on various product websites revealed that nothing existed that met all three of those fundamental characteristics. This left me with no other choice but to design my own. In addition to the aforementioned characteristics my design had to meet one additional characteristic if I were to be able to be use it for myself. Namely:

The soap tray can be placed on the edge of a sink or on the edge of a bathtub such that any water from it drains directly into the sink / bathtub rather than on the countertop.  If there is already a flat wall-mounted soap tray, the stand of this device allows it fit into many preexisting wall-mounted trays.

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